Modern psychology and counseling uses a range of approaches. While some people prefer to meet face-to-face we also utilise a range of online tools.
For many people the e-mail inbox is source of stress and worry. The usual messages they receive include demands, requirements, meeting requests and pointless 'FYI's' that only add to your stress and worry. When used in a more considered and mindful way, e-mail can be a very useful therapeutic tool that adds to your wellbeing. You can craft your queries and thoughts before sending them, and you can take time to consider and respond to e-mail messages from your therapist.
VOIP (Skype)
VOIP services such as Skype provide a range of really useful tools. You can talk in real time, leave messages, instant message and video call.
Instant messaging
For some people, it may not be the tool for in-depth discussion but for others IM is a familar and non-threatening way of exploring some issues. It is also a straightforward way to check-in, to send reminders, and encourage clients on the path to wellbeing.
Bibliotherapy simply means using reading and exploration of texts as part of developing your wellbeing. It can include classic texts, poems, haiku, paintings, books and films. Rather than diving into a vast ocean of material we will recommend materials that are most likely to have resonance with you and that will open up new perspectives and approaches to your situation. You can then bring those insights back into the discussion. Bibliotherapy is not for everyone, but many people find this a really positive and enriching approach to therapy.